Sunday, June 21, 2009


you can always tell when I'm truly trying to avoid school work when I have a million things on my Facebook feed and my room is spotless/filthy. sometimes I just sit there and look at my stuff then wonder how I'm going to send all that stuff to another city and put it in my teeny apartment. so then I clean out my stuff, like my jewelry from my bat mitzvah and devise a plan to melt it down for money. then I devise a plan to have a garage/yard sale because its going to cost me more to list my crap on ebay than to sell it there so I may as well just sell it off for cheap and get it out of my life and if that doesn't work its getting sent to consignment shops.

you can also tell when I'm truly trying to avoid school work when I make blog posts that make little to no sense.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


...have to search for an apartment, because...


yeah...thats my place.

Friday, June 12, 2009



Thought I had the perfect place - too far away

Thought I had a place, ended up being too sketchy of a situation.

Thought I had another place, saw it in pictures - its gross.

Thinking I have yet ANOTHER place - thinking its going to be the best option - thinking I wish it was August so I could just get this over with already.

however I did get Paul off the subject/idea of me moving without anything and shipping it later and living in a hostel...and got him on the idea of making me a really nice sofa bed...maybe.

there is a mosquito in my room and its already bitten me twice. not cool. 

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I never thought I would say.

Things I will miss about Winnipeg (as my pending move is coming more and more into fruition):

- BDI Ice Cream
- Prairie Sunsets
- Corydon+Gelato
- how hot it gets in the summer and when its just so overwhelming 
- Grosvenor street
- driving out to the beach
- prairie landscape
- Jeannies cake
- memories
- you, probably.

all this being said, I am very much looking forward to moving into my small, expensive apartment and starting my own life, and finding my favorite things about Toronto.

le sigh tonight.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


spent a stupid amount of money on film for my polaroid camera. woops.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I am utterly exhausted. spring session is slowly killing me and I don't wanna fight it any more. 

I've come to hate french and resent its existence.

I haven't felt this sick studying for a test since Forensic Anthro in 3rd year when I got so stressed out I puked all night and bombed the test the next day.

I am getting a cold, I know it.

I love accidentally sleeping for 2 hours.

I miss being not busy.

I would really like my cousins to say they love the apartment I found and then let me apply for it so I can start looking for a job to appease Paul.

Paul however did concede to having some furniture and my books shipped. this may mean I will have a naked room for the month of July but thats ok with me.

I am going to study passe compose. this is not something I necessarily know.