despite the perfection in my life I am slowly falling apart physically - I'll get over it, but its hard to be sick without your parents. No one else is around to help you out but you.
because its been so cool here, I shut off my teeny tiny air conditioner and threw my one able window wide open to sleep to the sounds of College street - which would be a 24 hour street car and a bunch of Portuguese men arguing outside the men's club (and apparently someone taking their bike out for a spin in the lane between my window and the building beside me).
today, aside from groceries, laundry, and full seasons of Sex And The City, I finished putting things up in the apartment, and now it actually feels like an adult lives here. And then, between putting up my magnetic knife strip and shopping for limes, I realized that this is the first year in my life, well since I was a teeny baby, that I won't be going back to school in September. to cushion the blow of such a realization, I purchased my train tickets to Montreal for a week of birthday fun with Christine. ask me how I'm feeling on this subject when everyone is in the middle of Mid-Terms. I'll either be in the middle of an identity crisis or very relaxed.
I have to go do my dishes now, and then, I will sleep the sleep of a thousand years.