Monday, May 18, 2009


Today I played major catch up and did homework, took a nap, did laundry and dyed a blue skirt dark navy which turned out ridiculously well. then I did my ironing and now I am sitting down to do yet more homework.

Saturday is approaching fast and I am getting really excited! and stressed! I have nothing really accomplished in terms of decorations yet, and am hoping to get to the dollar store tomorrow, before my work pot luck where I have to dress up as some animal and I am at a serious loss as to what to be (suggestions?).

I am excited to pretend living on my own for the 10 days Paul and Fraya are gone, including the 28th/29th when I have two days off school for some strange reason so it will really be like I'm on my own because, well, because! that also means that may is almost over and therefore spring session is almost over and I could not be happier. Although, its not hard to be envious when its so horrible outside. 

I suppose I should really start packing things soon....

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