Wednesday, September 23, 2009

today is the perfect Toronto day. Any day where its going to rain like mad is the perfect day.

after sleeping through my alarm, twice, I woke up around noon, ready for my first swim at the West End YMCA. I forgot how much I enjoyed the cool feel of the water skimming over me, and how effortless it feels to be in the water. Tomorrow I tackle the gym...can I do it? Yes I can! Not working during the week = working out! Its time to stop making excuses about settling in - I am settled, I am in, I am ready to hold onto that happy feeling forever more.

its raining!

this is the best time to finish up work and tie up loose ends before graduation. its not nice enough to go outside, but just perfect enough to keep the windows open, turn off the lights and listen to the rain (and change the channel off of Ghost Whisperer).

1 comment:

  1. I love fall + dark rainy days. UGH LOVE IT. By the by, I added a link on my blog to your blog. I hope that's okay!
