This confirms my theory that people are being extra ass-y today.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
I never thought that Forgetting Sarah Marshal would be a movie worth watching/paying to see/existing.
I stand corrected. this does not happen very often - clearly I am correct about everything 99.99% of the time.
good movie though.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I just resorted to dying my own hair then giving myself a haircut instead of doing my work, 'cause I just wasn't feeling pretty enough for a Sunday.
now I do, clealrly.
I also have a hair cut with a trained professional on Friday so I should feel extra pretty then.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
- Pom Pom exhibits.
- Pom Pom's.
- vintage tupac singing at the top of my lungs.
- vintage tina singing at the top of my lungs.
- drinking too much wine in the corner of a gallery with Mr. Bars, Joanna and Meghan.
- gallery hopping in ugly uggs because my heels were killing me. literally.
- drinking homemade wine from the bottle with cute boys at 211 pacific while looking at some really great art.
- the potential of fireworks at paul butlers place.
- new lace skirts that are so spring it hurts.
- boys. especially cute ones.
- drunk talking and laughing so hard you think you're going to pass out.
just a small list: should also include coming home from work and not having to leave the house until monday. fantastic.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Today I am going to make a very concerted effort to finish my Problem of Evil Essay - that is if I don't get distracted watching clips of the horror movies on YouTube because I'm way too scared to watch them totally.
Then I am going to make pom pom cup cakes. essentially confetti cup cakes with great icing. I'll take pictures.
Then I am gettin' gussied up (red lips, heels and all) to go to Natalie's show opening at Semai Gallery called Pom-Pom Grow Op. You should come too, but only if you're cool. Otherwise, don't bother.
then work. then essays. then essays. then reading. then reading. then sleep? maybe? if I'm lucky.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wake up. Feeling good, go swimming. Do my thing for 30 min and I'm feelin' good. Try to get out of the pool and bash my leg hardcore. come home, half asleep, and check my e-mail's from my professors that I had begged to do spring courses with, wrote my other professor and told him I wouldn't be in class because of the weather and registered for a french class.
LONG story short - I end up at school in a meeting with the RS Chair, trying to figure out how the hell I'm going to graduate on time (because for a while there, I wasn't graduating in October...). I talk to him. Wait for the other professor. Talked to him (about Rush mostly...), asked one professor if he would do a course with me (and explain to him why I wouldn't be in his class) and got declined because he's on ten-year track, asked the department head and got accepted.
I am graduating. I am doing 3 spring courses. I am going to show them who's boss. I am really unimpressed with this university of ours.
can't wait for June 30th.
also, I need a new agenda but I just got $70 $100 worth of books off amazon and I have to get more tomorrow. fun fun fun.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
these days I can't escape my thoughts. school ending, spring coming, work annoying, people loving, people loathing, parents older, missing you, missing him, wanting him, sexy dreams, this essay, that essay, these essays, how much? that much? breathe. blink. nap.
I wish my work brought in more cute single guys wanting to buy things for me instead of their wives and girlfriends. that would really save me alot of money actually. (note to self: get boyfriend in order to save money).
between any of the thoughts above the thought about August manages to sneak in. I want out. I want out NOW. I don't want to have to wait. I'm getting really fussy about it. I just want a pretty apartment, lovely decorated with my lovely things in which I can sit around and drink tea and listen to my records without a care in the world. soon, I suppose.
it would also be really nice to have a lovely cute boy serenade me on the beach.
note to self: work on making that happen - will save having to charge iPod for entertainment purposes, ergo, will save on electricity.
thus, having a man play accordion on the beach to me is environmentally sound.
I wish my work brought in more cute single guys wanting to buy things for me instead of their wives and girlfriends. that would really save me alot of money actually. (note to self: get boyfriend in order to save money).
between any of the thoughts above the thought about August manages to sneak in. I want out. I want out NOW. I don't want to have to wait. I'm getting really fussy about it. I just want a pretty apartment, lovely decorated with my lovely things in which I can sit around and drink tea and listen to my records without a care in the world. soon, I suppose.
note to self: work on making that happen - will save having to charge iPod for entertainment purposes, ergo, will save on electricity.
thus, having a man play accordion on the beach to me is environmentally sound.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
All I want to do lately is be warm. hence why I enjoy sleeping so so much. I think thats why I enjoy hot yoga so much. Its like a gigantic warm blanket that wraps you in happiness. and warmth.
I also severely need some polaroid film and a working camera for spring time. I cannot wait to ride my bike, and wear horsie shorts and awesome red lipstick and romper suits and sandals and happy happy smiles.
I'm going to go force myself to try and finish my report for my last reading class meeting. I can do it?
I also severely need some polaroid film and a working camera for spring time. I cannot wait to ride my bike, and wear horsie shorts and awesome red lipstick and romper suits and sandals and happy happy smiles.
I'm going to go force myself to try and finish my report for my last reading class meeting. I can do it?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I suggest you go to my etsy shop and buy all my stuff from me, 'cause I need money.
do it.
do it.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
today we got slammed at the store. it was mega busy and really hot and started to smell like sewage, which btw does not go well with nice jewelry. then at one point, when it finally died down, we were listening to Jason Mraz's "I'm yours" cause, we needed some chill out music, and I had made a comment that someone told me that the Jonas Brothers sang that song, and how I had re-coiled in horror because I sorta kinda liked it. then this girl buying a scarf (who, btw later returned it...lame) was like "so, do you deliberately play the Jonas Brothers, or what?"
I was shocked at how defensive I became. As if someone would question my good taste and suggest I of all people would listen to such music. Blasphemy.
I got so defensive, that I loudly stated "nono, its Jason Mraz! not the Jonas Brothers!". Hannah piped in that we would NEVER be allowed to play the Jonas Brothers...not even ironically. I had initially liked that I simply hate her for questioning my clearly sterling taste.
In other news, I want to move asap.
I was shocked at how defensive I became. As if someone would question my good taste and suggest I of all people would listen to such music. Blasphemy.
I got so defensive, that I loudly stated "nono, its Jason Mraz! not the Jonas Brothers!". Hannah piped in that we would NEVER be allowed to play the Jonas Brothers...not even ironically. I had initially liked that I simply hate her for questioning my clearly sterling taste.
In other news, I want to move asap.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

so I am hanging out with this sassy feline, who doesn't really care for auntie Dyanna, but little does she know I love her! (listen up, this cat has a thumb. for real. I saw it in action today. it was terrifying and hilarious at the same time.)
and now instead of doing homework while waiting for B to get off work, I am going to watch Ellen and eat pizza, naturally.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
yesterday I broke the new photocopier/printer/scaner in the Religious Stuides common room.
today the car broke down on me while I was backing into a spot.
today I broke the news to a bunch of students that our professor left us nothing to do and they all came out in -40 for nothing.
today I ran around like a chicken without a head while CAA was waiting for me because I had no money to leave the greyhound.
today my mummy got me a kit kat because I am stressed and now I am going to have a nap.
I clealry do not have the midas touch...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Last night I decided to go to bed at 10:30 when I realised I had fallen alseep already in bed listening to Arrested Development which was probably a good thing because I got up at 6:50 this morning to go for a swim, which was actually really nice.
but then I got home and was all ready by 9:00, and didn't have to go to school until 2:00 so I managed to fall asleep again for another hour and half assed do my work before leaving for school.
then I broke the new copy machine in the Religious Studies room and swore alot, but I got free parking and paid for note taking so I can pay of my credit card. I love money.
I am supposed to TA my class tomorrow but my professor left me nothing to do (he was supposed to leave me a movie and keys) but since I have no access to the media components I can't even show Arrested Development or Slumdog Millionaire (bootleg, naturally), so I might lead a discussion and kick them out early. I just love being in charge!
now I am going to write a depressing essay about the devil and how we're all horrible and evil and then go to bed.
but then I got home and was all ready by 9:00, and didn't have to go to school until 2:00 so I managed to fall asleep again for another hour and half assed do my work before leaving for school.
then I broke the new copy machine in the Religious Studies room and swore alot, but I got free parking and paid for note taking so I can pay of my credit card. I love money.
I am supposed to TA my class tomorrow but my professor left me nothing to do (he was supposed to leave me a movie and keys) but since I have no access to the media components I can't even show Arrested Development or Slumdog Millionaire (bootleg, naturally), so I might lead a discussion and kick them out early. I just love being in charge!
now I am going to write a depressing essay about the devil and how we're all horrible and evil and then go to bed.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
last night I went to bed at 7:05 to have "a quick nap" and ended up sleeping the whole night until about 2 am. As I was sitting in the living room watching tv at 2:47 I watched the clock count down to what I thought would be 3:00 but automatically switched to 4:00! DAY LIGHT SAVINGS TIME FREAKS ME OUT.
really freaks me out.
today I am going to buy a bathing suit and mark 6 papers. also, start an esssay. very ambitious.
this is what I look like after like 15 hours of sleep.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Since the CW clearly hates me and is yet making us wait to see new Gossip Girl episodes and now I find that I have to wait till THE END OF MARCH for new 90210 I decided to torrent the album of the OH MY GOD girl singing in the new promo's so that I can get a fix whenever I like....or whenever I cease watching Arrested Development.
I wish I could have a konfetti themed party.
I guess its a good thing that they're unavailable for viewing pleasures as of yet, because I have a report to write, two essays to work on and like, 20+ papers to mark...woooppss! (and oh so many naps to take...)
however, ANTM cycle 12 started tonight and I can already tell that the girl who works at Bergdorf Goodman is going to win because they basically love her.
for now, here's a picture of some konfetti which I think is pretty.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
being sick is really frustrating when you do nothing and you're utterly exhausted all the time and don't get any work done like you should.
on another note, I would really like to have dress stand so that I can photo catalogue all of my clothing/create some sort of clueless automatic dressing system. I think that would be really helpful in creating diverse looks and sexy time party clothes. ok I think it's time for a sick nap.
being sick is really convenient when you don't want to go to class and watch yet another depressing movie on genocide and how bad people are.
being sick is really good for napping.
on another note, I would really like to have dress stand so that I can photo catalogue all of my clothing/create some sort of clueless automatic dressing system. I think that would be really helpful in creating diverse looks and sexy time party clothes. ok I think it's time for a sick nap.
Monday, March 2, 2009
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