Sunday, March 22, 2009


these days I can't escape my thoughts. school ending, spring coming, work annoying, people loving, people loathing, parents older, missing you, missing him, wanting him, sexy dreams, this essay, that essay, these essays, how much? that much? breathe. blink. nap.

I wish my work brought in more cute single guys wanting to buy things for me instead of their wives and girlfriends. that would really save me alot of money actually. (note to self: get boyfriend in order to save money).

between any of the thoughts above the thought about August manages to sneak in. I want out. I want out NOW. I don't want to have to wait. I'm getting really fussy about it. I just want a pretty apartment, lovely decorated with my lovely things in which I can sit around and drink tea and listen to my records without a care in the world. soon, I suppose.

it would also be really nice to have a lovely cute boy serenade me on the beach.

note to self: work on making that happen - will save having to charge iPod for entertainment purposes, ergo, will save on electricity.

thus, having a man play accordion on the beach to me is environmentally sound.


  1. Your blog postings make me smile. :) Why don't I ever see you?!

  2. That explains me as well. I suppose if we attached rooms we could bump into each other as we go to the bathroom...
